Breaking: Gov. Bello Orders Head of MDAs to Submit Guber Result from their PUs, Wards and LGAs.

In Kogi State Government House, there is currently no joke as Governor Yahaya Bello has directed the Head of Ministries, Department and Agencies to submit the result of their polling units and wards in the November 16th gubernatorial election. This was the second directive on Monday, the first being a sack of all Special AdvisersContinue reading "Breaking: Gov. Bello Orders Head of MDAs to Submit Guber Result from their PUs, Wards and LGAs."

Kogi State Governor Sacks All Political Appointees.

The Kogi State Government has relieved all political appointees in its cabinet of their duties and directed all of them to hand over government properties in their possession to the most senior officer in their establishments Kogi Daily can authoritatively report. A statement signed by the Secretary to the State Government, Dr Ayoade Folashade saidContinue reading "Kogi State Governor Sacks All Political Appointees."

Kogi West: Smart Adeyemi begs Buhari, APC, Tinubu to forgive Dino Melaye

Senator Dino Melaye has been described as a political house boy by the newly-elected Senator for Kogi West, Smart Adeyemi. He said that Melaye could not manage well his earlier election into the Senate but decided to burgle it with unnecessary exuberances. Addressing newsmen on Sunday after his victory at the poll, Adeyemi said, “whenContinue reading "Kogi West: Smart Adeyemi begs Buhari, APC, Tinubu to forgive Dino Melaye"

REVEALED : The Progresive Movement That ousted Sen. Dino Out of Office- Abubakar Suleman

The forces against Sen. Dino Melaye in Kogi west Senatorial district are too enormous to the extent that he may not survive the onslaught. The men behind the planned stoppage of Sen. Dino Melaye's returning back to the National Assembly are, Hon. James Faleke, Chief Jide Omokore, Hon. Sunday Karimi, David Odogbon 'Chavid' , ChiefContinue reading "REVEALED : The Progresive Movement That ousted Sen. Dino Out of Office- Abubakar Suleman"


Last Saturday was too great a day to be forgotten. It was the day that the anxious Kogites trooped out en masse to decide who governs the state, a day that afforded us the golden opportunity to further enhance the fortunes of the state and her people or consolidate our misfortune and that of ourContinue reading "ELECTION IN NIGERIA; A BLOW TO DEMOCRACY."


It is pertinent to have an understanding of what social contract entails. A contract between persons in a pre-political or pre-social condition specifying the terms upon which they are prepared to enter a society or submit to a political authority. The pathetic experiences and ill treatments natives were subjected to during the colonial days, spurredContinue reading "A BREACH OF CONTRACT"

Highest bidder; a menace killing Nigeria politics

Monetary politics have apparently become a tolerated phenomenon in the Nigerian political sphere. Maybe money is part of the concomitant repercussion of high degree of poverty devastating the land. Maybe it is the consecution of greed on the part of an average Nigerian conceded that our state of affairs presents a fragile correspondence with thatContinue reading "Highest bidder; a menace killing Nigeria politics"

Xenophobia: Africans We Are One.

Honestly, am short of words. How have we gotten here? Why is this happening at this material time? Should Nelson Mandela, Julius Nyeyere, Miriam Makeba, Obafemi Awolowo, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Kwame Nkrumah, Malcom X, Martin Luther King Jnr and a host of others that fought for the liberation of the black race wake up, they wouldContinue reading "Xenophobia: Africans We Are One."

Moshood Kashimawo Olawale Abiola;Epetedo Proclamation.

“People of Nigeria, exactly one year ago, you turned out in your millions to vote for me, Chief M.K.O. Abiola, as the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. But politicians in uniform, who call themselves soldiers but are more devious than any civilian would want to be, deprived you of your God-given right toContinue reading "Moshood Kashimawo Olawale Abiola;Epetedo Proclamation."

Kogi Workers : Better Days Ahead.

It was a sunny morning when I heard from afar what seems to me, noise from a grumbling crowd. I finally retired to my chair after minutes of fruitless effort of attempting to ascertain what the grumble was all about. Few minutes later, the grumbling crowd drew closer to my house. I took a quickContinue reading "Kogi Workers : Better Days Ahead."