Nigeria’s Democracy: Pst Babatunde Samuel (Esanuaje) Calls For Steadfastness, Hope And Unity

Pastor Babatunde Samuel (Esanuaje), during his goodwill message to Nigerians both at home and in the diaspora on 2024 Democracy Day, highlighted the impacts and implications of democracy on any given nation like ours. He further explained it as the best form of government where the citizenry enjoys freedoms in abundance and other inalienable rights as citizens of the country.

However, he noted that Nigeria’s democracy might have passed through very rough and slippery ways ever since returning from a military junta in 1999 till date. He therefore encouraged his fellow Nigerian citizens to keep faith in God and hope for further betterment of our dear country.

Pastor Babatunde Samuel encouraged his fellow compatriots to keep believing in one Nigeria rather than a divided homeland. He emphasized that diversity in ethnicity, religions, tribes, and races should not be seen as a disadvantage to our coexistence as a nation. Rather, it’s high time to work assiduously towards realizing common developmental goals for our entity known as Nigeria.

Pastor Babatunde commended the efforts put in place by current nation’s stakeholders in reviving our economy, including the civil society, media practitioners, and other well-wishers who are contributing significantly to ensure the revival of our nation’s economy.

In final notes, he wished his fellow Nigerians a happy and prosperous celebration, as we continue to enjoy the grace of God on the land of the living. He prayed for Nigeria’s democracy to continue waxing stronger day by day.

Happy Democracy Day to my fellow countrymen in faith!

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